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STEP 1) Complete all maintenance - [C]

We want tenant to feel that we are taking care of them.

  1. Complete all open WOs.

  2. Call tenant to see if they need anything.

STEP 2) PMI & Rent Assessment - [C]

LOGIC: Turnover?

If current tenant is moving out or if vacant, Actions > Cancel

  1. Turnover in progress

  2. Move-Out in progress


 WO & PMI Deadline

  1. Complete PMI for the oldest renewal first

  2. Complete PMI for all WOs on report before the 4 month date


 PMI Video

  1. Paste the PMI URL into the notes of the PMI WO.

  2. Paste the PMI URL into the notes of the Renewal WO.


 Complete PMI WO

  1. Actions > Completed > No Bill Needed

  2. Do not complete the Renewal WO


Increase rent?

Should we increase rent?

  1. Does tenant want to stay?

  2. If we increase rent will they move?

  3. Can we get more rent if they vacate?

  4. Total cost to remodel if tenant vacates?


Update Vendor Instructions 

Open vendor instructions in WO:

[old rent] - [new rent]

Example: 1595 - 1695


Update WO Status

Status (Part 1)

Actions > Waiting

Notes = [old rent] - [new rent]

Example: 1595 - 1695

Status (Part 2):

If you choose not to increase rent because a turnover will result in a major remodel, add the following to the Status:

- (Major Remodel)

STEP 3) Approve - [A]

Review report & update status

  1. If rent change is needed, update the Vendor Instructions

  2. If not, Actions > Waiting


Approved, Notify Owner

Approved, Notify Owner (Major Remodel)


Approved, Send Lease Renewal

STEP 4) Notifications - [P]*




Status of "Approved > Notify"



Tenant Notification

Animals vs. Recurring Charges

Compare the data in the Animals section against the Recurring Charges.

  1. If duplicates are listed in the Animals Section, delete the duplicate.

  2. If one is in Recurring Charges but not in the Animal Section, add the Pet to the Animals Section.

  3. If one is in Animal Section but not Recurring Charges:

    1. If intentionally removed you will find one of the following & in this case, skip this section:

      1. Pet Removed Request Form attached to the tenant page.

      2. Historical Pet Rent charges on the Tenant Ledger that are no longer being charged.

    2. If not intentionally removed, text COPY1


DATA CLEANUP (Pets/Animals): Our lease now lists each approved pet/animal, so we need to confirm the info in your account is correct. The info originally came from your rental application but that was a long time ago. Do you still have the following animal?


- If so, please submit a Pet/Animal Change (Add) request form.

- If not, please submit a Pet/Animal Change (Delete) request form. 

Reminder: Keeping an Unauthorized Animal is a Lease Violation. Please take this opportunity to update your account without penalty:



Owner Notification

  1. If Ours, skip this step

  2. If Theirs, text COPY1 to each owner


LEASE RENEWAL: The renewal offer for the below listed property is scheduled to be delivered to the tenant 7 days from the date of this text. You can update the rent for the renewal term, or non-renew the lease, within 7 days of this text, by submitting a Request Form in Step 2 of the Lease Renewal System. If we don't hear from you within 7 days, the renewal will be delivered to the tenant, so the system flows without action on your part.








Update WO Status

Actions > Mark Waiting

Notified - MM/DD/YY



Repeat for each WO with same Status

STEP 5) Send Renewal Offer


Once renewal is 90 out (+/- 7 days)...


Status = Approved > Send Renewal Offer

Continue workflow without pausing


Status = Owner Notified > XX/XX/XXXX

  1. Pause

  2. Do not text owner twice

  3. 7 days after the date in the WO Status, continue



Prepare Renewal Offer 

  1. Appfolio > Leasing > Renewals

  2. Locate unit on widget (Search if needed)

  3. Click Prepare Renewal Offer



Renewal Package

  1. Uncheck "Include Letter Renewal Notice Letter"

  2. If the property is in the "Ours" portfolio or on a Platinum Plan, uncheck "Include Month to Month"

  3. Deadline to Respond = 2 months from Lease Start Date but never less than 2 weeks from today.

Add Renewal Option

Update Lease End Date - Confirm the lease does not expire on a Fri, Sat or Sun or a holiday.

  1. If yes, change to the following Monday.

  2. If no, skip.

Holidays Observed

New year’s Eve & Day

Christmas Eve & Day

Thanksgiving & day after

Martin Luther King Day

Memorial Day

Independence Day

Labor Day

Veterans Day

Rent Increase (IMPORTANT)

If a rent increase was noted in the Vendor Instructions of the Renewal WO, update the change by $ on one/both as applicable:

  1. Add Renewal Option

  2. Add Month to Month Option

Monthly Charges:

  1. Billing Fee

    1. If there is a $5 Billing Fee for each Pet Rent charge, skip.

    2. If not, add it.

      1. Desc = Billing fee on pet rent

      2. GL = Billing Fee (T)

      3. Amount = $5

  2. No Insurance Fee

    1. Disregard No Insurance Fee charges on this section because it's administered in another system.

Review new monthly charges

Confirm charges are correct

  1. If all good, click Review renewal offer

  2. If not, update



Security Deposit Variables

Deposit Amount Mismatch

Confirm Security Deposit on lease = security deposit on tenant ledger

  1. If match, skip.

  2. If not a match:

    1. Subtract the deposit amount on the tenant ledger from the deposit amount on the lease

    2. Tenant > Tasks > Add Charge

    3. GL = Security Deposit

    4. Amount = Deposit on old lease - Deposit on tenant ledger

    5. Save

  3. Continue to next step.

Appfolio Error Pop-up

If you receive a pop-up that there is not security deposit on file, open the report and process the following:


Tenant > Tasks > Add Charge

  1. GL = Security Deposit

  2. Amount = The Bond limit



Review Renewal Offer:

  1. Confirm the dates are correct:

    1. If yes, continue.

    2. If not correct & review again.

  2. Confirm all charges in 1.4 Rent are correct. Make sure that only the charges created are showing.

    1. If yes, continue.

    2. If not correct & review again.

  3. Send Lease to Tenant



Reverse Additional Deposit

If you added a deposit before you sent the lease, go back to Tenant > Tenant Ledger

  1. Click the charge you added

  2. Tasks > Reverse

  3. Refresh Tenant Ledger to confirm the charge was removed


Recurring charges

Back to Tenant page & add all the following Recurring Charges:

  1. Lease Renewal Fee (T)

    1. Amount = $99

    2. GL = Lease Renewal Fee (T)

    3. Start Date = Renewal date

    4. End Date = One day later

    5. Desc = blank

    6. Create & Add Another

  2. Unsigned lease renewal fee

    1. Amount = $100

    2. GL = Unsigned Lease Renewal Fee

    3. Start = 2 months before Renewal Date

    4. End = blank

    5. Create & Add Another

  3. MTM Lease Fee

    1. Amount = $100

    2. GL = Month-to-Month Lease Fee

    3. Desc = blank

    4. Start = Renewal Date

    5. End = blank

    6. Create & Add Another

  4. Prorated Rent (Only if rent increased)

    1. Amount

      1. Subtract the old rent from new rent

      2. Divide by the number of days in the month

      3. Multiply by the number of remaining days starting on the renewal date.

    2. GL = Rent

  5. Desc = Prorated difference at renewal

  6. Start = 1st day the renewal month

  7. End = The following day

  8. Create



Text Tenant

Text COPY1 to Tenant



Your Lease Renewal was published in AppFoilo. Please login to sign. If you have questions, please read the procedures on:



Update WO Status

WO > Actions > Waiting

Out for signing

STEP 6) Send Renewal Offer

Upon receipt of the email from appfolio to countersign...

Verify Rent Amount on Renewal WO 




  1. Click button in email

  2. Scroll to bottom

  3. Click to countersign

  4. Scroll to bottom

  5. Checkbox & countersign as "M. Peterson"

  6. Click "Review Monthly Charges" in pop-up



Recurring Charges

Appfolio > Tenant > Recurring Charges

AUDIT: Lease Renewal Fee (T)

Confirm the fee was previously added, if not add it but do not add a duplicate.

  1. Start Date = 1st of the month when the lease renews

  2. End Date = 1 day later

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ADD: Prorated Rent (Only if rent increased):

  1. GL = Rent

  2. Start Date = 1st of the month during the renewal month

  3. End Date = 1 day later

  4. Desc = "Prorated difference at renewal"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LOGIC: Only if rent increased...

UPDATE: New Rent Start Date

Change Start Date of new rent to be the 1st of the month following the lease renewal month. This is because the previous rent will charge during the renewal month. Plus, the prorated rent you billed above & the math is correct.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

DELETE: Unsigned Lease Renewal Fee

Delete the recurring charge but do not reverse the actual charge if it billed as programmed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LOGIC: If annual lease:

DELETE Month-to-month Lease Fee

Only if the Tenant signed an annual lease, delete the recurring charge but do not reverse the actual charge if it billed as programmed.



Text Tenant

If Rent increase...

LEASE RENEWAL: Your renewal was processed. If you have questions about prorated rent that will be billed to your account the month of the renewal or anything else, please read the Renewal Procedures:

If not...

LEASE RENEWAL: Your renewal was processed. If you have any questions, please read the Renewal Procedures:




SYSTEM: Renewal 

Actions > Completed No Bill Needed


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